Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Funeral Party? YES

Your Life, Your Party

Butterflies, wagon trains, antique cars, brunch, slot machines, popcorn, and fireworks.  What do these have in common? They are all elements of a good party.  They are also elements of an appropriate memorial.  When it comes to a creating a meaningful memorial, there are lots of options.

In recent years the use of photographs has become commonplace at many funerals or memorial celebrations.  Family photos may be in the frames brought from home,  arranged in a montage with other photos, or played on a large screen in a moving video set to music.

Many other ideas are also being  incorporated in memorial celebrations that focus on the positive memories, life’s work, and hobbies of an individual.  Many people in Charlotte may remember the wagon train complete with outriders on horseback that was part of one individual’s funeral procession to the cemetery.  Other’s may remember a helicopter fly over and salute at the cemetery committal service of another.  Fishing and hunting trophies have been included in other funeral and memorial services.  All these ideas represent what family members want others to celebrate and remember about their lost family members.

How often have you heard people remark “when I die I just want them to have a party”?  While few people actually feel like having a party when they have lost a family member, there is a similarity between some vestiges of a party  in many  of today’s, funerals, celebrations or memorials.

Nobody would ever think a funeral is fun.  However, by including the elements of a deceased’s personality in  a positive manner,  funerals, memorials and celebrations have become an uplifting experience that helps surviving family members start their journey through grief following a loss with a smile on their face.

So you want to be remembered?  You want to have a party?  You can start by writing down some of the attributes you might want included in a memorial, or funeral, either for yourself or that of a family member.   These simple steps will be invaluable to family and friends.  The next step would be to record these preferences in a form of a Preplan, or Pre-arrangement with the funeral home of your choice.  That way they will be filed in a safe, secure and retrievable manner for family to use as a guide  at the time they need it most.

Article posted on Connecting Directors -- 

Check this out -- 

Death is a bummer, but it's the one sure thing in life. The way I see it, you're better off accepting it and going out in style with an event designed to celebrate you, you, you, as well as entertain your loved ones. And who better to plan a party all about you than you?

The Party of Your Life will help you explore the full range of creative, culinary, musical, and theatrical possibilities of a well-planned (i.e. self-planned) life celebration. This book is for anyone who wants to say goodbye in his or her own special way. It's also for control freaks like me, who don't trust their survivors to throw them the funeral to end all funerals.

Amazon price at time of this published page is $11.93 not bad for ideas you've probably  never heard of..and may say. YES, that's what I want.

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