Thursday, January 31, 2013

What to Expect when Your Loved One Is Dying

Journey's End: Active Dying
Pallative Care Article

 What to Expect When Your Loved One 
Is Dying

Some people in a palliative care program will get better and move on with their life. When people have a terminal condition – when death is expected – palliative care helps to improve life quality for patients, caretakers, and loved ones.

When members of your palliative care team recognize the signs that a person is within months or weeks of dying, they may recommend transitioning to hospice.

"When they are in hospice, they will get the same comfort care, but more services will be provided for both the patient and the family," Ursula Braun, MD, MPH, director of the palliative care unit at the DeBakey Veterans Administration Medical Center in Houston, tells WebMD.

As death approaches, the role of the caretaker changes, says Phil Higgins, director of palliative care outreach at Boston's Dana Farber/Brigham & Women's Cancer Center.

"Where before you did a lot of hands-on care, now your role may be to be present, to comfort and reassure your loved one with soothing words and actions that help maintain their comfort and dignity as they approach death," Higgins tells WebMD.

Symptoms and Signs 
that Death Is Near

Barbara Karnes, RN, an expert on the dynamics of dying, lists the usual and normal physical signs and symptoms of approaching death in her book Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience.

One to three months prior to death, your loved one is likely to:

  •   Sleep or doze more.
  •   Eat and drink less.
  • Withdraw from people and activities previously found pleasurable.

  • Be less – or if they are a child, more – communicative.

One to two weeks prior to death, your loved may be bed bound and may be experiencing:

  •  Increased pain, which can be treated.
  • Changes in blood pressure, respiratory rate, and heart   rate.
  •  Continued loss of appetite and thirst and difficulty taking medications by mouth.
  •  Decline in bowel and bladder output.
  •  Changes in sleep-wake patterns.
  • Temperature fluctuations that may leave the skin cool, warm, moist, or pale.
  •  Constant fatigue.
  • Congested breathing from the build-up of secretions at the back of the throat. "The sounds this makes can be very distressing for family members, but it's not painful and can be managed in a variety of ways, including with medications," says Braun.
  • Disorientation or seeing and talking to people who aren't there. These hallucinations and visions, especially if they are of long-gone loved ones, can be comforting. "When they are pleasant for the person, don't try to convince them that a loved one isn't there. That can make someone who is pleasantly confused become agitated and combative," says Andrea M. Holtzer, RN, palliative care nurse coordinator at St. Mary's Hospital in Amsterdam, New York.

When death is imminent – within days or hours:

  •  Your loved one may not want food or drink.
  •  There may be little or no bladder or bowel activity.
  •  Pain may show as grimaces, groans, or scowls and should be managed.
  •  Eyes may tear or become glazed.
  • If not already unconscious, your loved one may drift in and out of consciousness. "They are probably still able to hear and feel," says Braun. "So it's important to talk to them and to hold their hand."
  • Pulse and heart beat may be irregular and/or difficult to detect.
  • Body temperature will drop and the skin of the knees, feet, and hands will become a mottled bluish-purple. "Once the mottling starts, death is often within 24 hours," says Holtzer.
  • Breathing, punctuated by gasping starts and stops, will slow – until it stops entirely.

"For children and teens, the signs and symptoms are more or less the same as for adults. However, the course of dying is harder to predict in children", says Jennifer K. Clark, MD, professor of palliative medicine at the University of Oklahoma College of Community Medicine, Tulsa.

"Children are so resilient that they are often fairly active – and asking a lot of tough-to-answer questions – until the end is near," Clark tells WebMD.

In the last days or hours, your loved one may experience what doctors call terminal delirium: heightened activity and confusion often accompanied by hallucinations so distressful they may cry out, strike out, or try to climb out of bed.

"This isn't merely distressing for family members. Their loved ones could hurt themselves, so it's important to nip it in the bud with medications or non-pharmacological interventions," Holtzer says.

Holtzer advises making sure the room is well lit, but not brightly lit; ensuring that the room is as quiet and peaceful as possible; and constantly assuring your loved one that you are there.

Ironically, in the last days or hours, a loved one may also experience a period of clarity and lucidity.

"Once in a while patients rally, and know exactly who you are and can talk with you. When this happens, it's a real gift to the family," Braun says.

During the journey to death, 
the signs and symptoms 
of approaching death 
are unique to each person 
and his or her condition.

"Some people will have a very gradual decline. Others may have a more rapid decline, and their signs and symptoms will usually be more pronounced," says Carol Lovci, RN, vice president at San Diego Hospice and The Institute of Palliative Medicine.

When to Say Good-bye

One of the hardest questions is when to call in family members to say good-bye and to make memories for the future.

With those things in mind, Lovci recommends family be notified as soon as it becomes evident that death is approaching. This allows the care team to provide them insight about what to expect – both in terms of their loved one's decline and their own physical and emotional reactions – and it enables family members to support one another and their loved one.

Don't assume, however, that calling the family in means they will be there at the end.

"Families often sit late into the night, and then, when they have gone home, the person dies. It's as if their loved one couldn't let go while they were there," says Holtzer.


These resources may be of particular help to caregivers, families, and friends of a person who is dying:

  • Aging in the Know: Palliative Care and Hospice.
  • Family Caregiver Alliance, End-of-Life Choices: Holding on and Letting Go
  •  American Geriatrics Society: Dying at Home
  • Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, Patient/Family Teaching Sheets: Final Days
  •  Hospice Foundation of America, The Dying Process: A Guide for Caregivers, revised, 2007 (free).
  •  Karnes, B. Gone From My Sight: The Dying Experience, Barbara Karnes Books Inc. (cost: $3, includes shipping and handling).

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