Monday, January 14, 2013

What do you want to do before you Die?? Make a Bucket List

Fifty Inspiring Ideas For Your Bucket List

    • Live to be 100

    • Learn to juggle

    • Have a pen pal in another country

    • Learn to speak Italian

    • Spend a night in a haunted house

    • Sponsor an African child

    • Volunteer at a food bank each weekend for a year

    • Go on a cruise to the Arctic

    • Sing karaoke with comedian Bill Murray

    • Attend a traditional Hawaiian Luau and feast

    • Learn sign language

    • Overcome my fear of heights
• Learn to surf

    • Plant a tree that will live for 100 years

    • Have four generations of my family go on vacation

    • Help with the birth of a child

    • Patent a product

    • Swim in all of the world's oceans

    • End every day with a smile

    • Be in a Hollywood film

    • Marry my sweetheart

    • Shoot a hole-in-one at St. Andrew's Golf Course

    • Run a complete marathon

    • Road trip across America in a vintage convertible

    • Go on an African safari

    • Backpack through Europe with a childhood friend

    • Learn to scuba dive

    • Plant a vegetable garden and feed my friends

    • Go skydiving

    • Have a YouTube video with over 1 million views

    • Drive a Ferrari

    • Shoot hoops with Michael Jordan

    • Meet a famous rock star

    • Visit New Orleans during Mardi Gras

    • Read the holy books of all major religions

    • Visit all 50 states in America

    • Go jogging on the Great Wall of China

    • Lead the national anthem at a public event

    • Discover my own true meaning of life

    • 50 yard line tickets at The Super Bowl

    • Swim with dolphins in the wild

    • Travel into space

    • Have the largest collection of friends on Facebook

    • Save someone's life who is in danger

    • Learn to play chess

    • Have a hot air balloon ride

    • Run with the bulls in Spain

    • Learn to better appreciate silly behaviour

    • Join a political movement and make a difference for others

    • Learn all the secrets of Area 51

Visit mySendoff   You can add to your bucket list there.. for FREE.  You can also plan what you want to happen at the time of your death... this you can send to your family and friends so that, at the time of your demise they will know your wishes.

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