Tuesday, December 11, 2012


PIONEER CEMETERY-- Heritage Registry

10 Wallace Street Nanaimo, BC Canada

This Cemetery served Nanaimo during its early years, beginning in 1853.

Pioneer Cemetery Park speaks to the community’s earliest development and is a valuable record of the lives of Nanaimo’s first European settlers. The park is the third oldest cemetery in British Columbia after Fort Langley and Victoria. From the first known burial in 1895 to the final burial in 1953, this cemetery served as an essential communal space, both practically and spiritually.

Pioneer Cemetery Park is an important example of an early preservation project and the development of community heritage consciousness. In 1953, concerned by the overall dilapidation of the site, the newly formed Nanaimo Branch of the BCHA (BCHF) made a record of all the stones still standing and a sketch of their original positions.

In 1958, as the remaining headstones in a curving rock wall and planted grass and flowers. In 1960, the project was completed and the site was officially converted into a memorial park by the municipality.

Pioneer Cemetery Park is significant green space. When first created, this site was a considerable distance from the town core. Today, surrounded by a busy commercial district, the site, with its massive maple trees, functions as a relatively quiet, secluded and peaceful urban oasis.

For more information regarding names of deceased at the Pioneer Cemetery go to:

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