Friday, December 14, 2012

Trauma & Coping Strategies - YES, Death is Trauma

Trauma & Coping Strategies
YES - Death is Trauma


After a trauma, people may go through a wide range of normal responses.
Such reactions may be experienced not only by people who experienced the trauma first-hand, but by those who have witnessed or heard about the trauma, or been involved with those immediately affected. Many reactions can be triggered by persons, places, or things associated with the trauma. Some reactions may appear totally unrelated.

Here is a list of common physical and emotional reactions to trauma, as well as a list of helpful coping strategies. These are NORMAL reactions to ABNORMAL events.

Physical Reactions

Aches and pains like headaches, backaches, stomach aches

Sudden sweating and/or heart palpitations (fluttering)
Changes in sleep patterns, appetite, interest in sex
Constipation or diarrhea
Easily startled by noises or unexpected touch
More susceptible to colds and illnesses
Increased use of alcohol or drugs and/or overeating

Emotional Reactions
Shock and disbelief
 Fear and/or anxiety
Grief, disorientation, denial
 or hyper vigilance
 restlessness, outbursts of anger
or rage
    Emotional swings 
like crying and then laughing
Worrying or ruminating
 intrusive thoughts of the trauma nightmares
feeling like the trauma is happening now
Feelings of helplessness
panic, feeling out of control
 the experience
Attempts to avoid
anything associated with trauma
Tendency to isolate oneself
Feelings of detachment
Concern over burdening others
with problems
Emotional numbing
or restricted range of feelings
Difficulty trusting
and/or feelings of betrayal
Difficulty concentrating
or remembering
Feelings of self-blame  
and/or survivor guilt
Diminished interest
in everyday activities or depression
Unpleasant past memories resurfacing
Loss of a sense of order
or fairness in the world; expectation of doom and fear of the future

Helpful Coping Strategies

    Mobilize a support system 
 reach out and connect with others,
especially those who may have shared the stressful event
    Talk about the traumatic experience
with empathic listeners
    Hard exercise
like jogging, aerobics, bicycling, walking
    Relaxation exercise
like yoga, stretching, massage
    Prayer and/or meditation
listening to relaxing guided imagery; progressive deep muscle relaxation
    Hot baths
    Music and art
    Maintain balanced diet
and sleep cycle as much as possible
Avoid over-using stimulants
like caffeine, sugar, or nicotine
    Commitment to something
personally meaningful and important every day
    Hug those you love
pets included
    Eat warm turkey
 boiled onions, baked potatoes, cream-based soups,
these are tryptophane activators,
which help you feel tired but good (like after Thanksgiving dinner)
    Proactive responses toward
personal and community safety 
organize or do something socially active
    Write about your experience
in detail, just for yourself or to share with others


People are usually surprised that reactions to trauma can last longer than they expected. It may take weeks, months, and in some cases, many years to fully regain equilibrium. Many people will get through this period with the help and support of family and friends. But sometimes friends and family may push people to "get over it" before they're ready. Let them know that such responses are not helpful for you right now, though you appreciate that they are trying to help. Many people find that individual, group, or family counseling are helpful, and in particular, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a phenomenally rapid and wonderful therapeutic method. Either way, the key word is CONNECTION ask for help, support, understanding, and opportunities to talk.
The Chinese character for crisis is a combination of two words -- danger and opportunity. People who fully engage in recovery from trauma discover unexpected benefits. As they gradually heal their wounds, survivors find that they are also developing inner strength, compassion for others, increasing self-awareness, and often the most surprising -- a greater ability to experience joy and serenity than ever before.

Written by Patti Levin, LICSW, PsyD
David: Please let everyone know that I give permission for my fact sheet to be used by anyone, either as a whole, or in part, as long as my name appears somewhere on it for credit. [Specifically,] its OK to make unlimited copies [of this document] for educational and non-commercial uses in a disaster situation, provided no fee is charged. People can also contact me by email or by telephone (617) 227-2008. Warmly, Patti 13 September 2001



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