Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tribute to All the Children and Adults who Died this year

 Christmas in Heaven

They still light that tree in the city square
They are red, white, and green shinning everywhere
And I wish you were here
And I wonder…
Is the snow falling down on the streets of gold?
Are the mansions all covered in white?

Are you singing with angels Silent Night?
And I wonder what
Christmas in Heaven is like.


There’s a little manger scene

down on
Third and Main
I must have walked right by it a
thousand times
I see it now in a different light
'Cause I know you are there
And I wonder...
Are you kneeling with shepherds before Him now?
Can you reach out and touch His Face?
Are you part of that glorious Holy Night?

I wonder what Christmas
in Heaven is like.


Is the snow falling down on the streets of gold?
Are the mansions
all covered in white?
Are you singing with
angels Silent Night?

And I wonder what
Christmas in Heaven
  is like...

This is a song performed by  Sarah Schieber go to Youtube

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