Tuesday, December 11, 2012

The Undertaking -- what do Funeral Directors do Video

Telford's Burial & Cremation Centre (2009)

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I know that for many people, thinking about funerals and the work that I do to care for grieving families isn't easy.  But I am proud of the work that we do her at Telford's Burial & Cremation Centre which is why I'd like to invite you to watch a PBS Frontline documentary called The Undertaking.

In a unique and poignant way, "The Undertaking" offers you a glimpse into my world and depicts the care and compassion funeral directors everywhere provide every day.  After watching this program, which is filled with intimate, personal stories of families dealing with grief, mortality and the rituals of a funeral, you may want to know more about the value of a funeral, the work I do, and the importance of honoring a loved one.  If you, please call me or one of my experienced staff at Telford's Burial & Cremation Centre 250-245-5553 or 250-591-6644, 

We are here to help and we are available to answer any questions you may have at any time.

Greg Lonsdale
Owner & Operator
Telford's Burial & Cremation Centre
Serving the Mid Island
Vancouver Island, BC Canada

The Undertaking can be seen at http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/undertaking

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